New Beginnings Chapter 2
Hello their old friends. Saying I missed this blog and all of you is truly the understatement of the century. To be quite honest, I have sat down hundreds of times in these past six months ready to write and connect with our readers again but had such a difficult time trying to authentically articulate what I wanted to say to all of you. As some of you may know today is the two-year anniversary of OnBrand and being the simp that I am I decided there was no better way to reminisce on what this company means to me, then to throw it way back and read the blog that started it all. When we launched this blog, we had nothing but a couple laptops, a pretty basic Canon camera and a passion for wanting to create a change in not only myself but everyone around me. I spoke about living life fearlessly, unapologetically, passionately, and having the determination of living your dreams no matter the odds. That blog consistently brings tears to my eyes every single time because of how ready I was to truly start a new beginning. I was ready to beg for it.
Thinking back to what life looked like two years ago we were broke, depressed, jobless, in the middle of a pandemic, and way too ready to settle for shit that we knew we did not deserve. The marking of this blog was the first time in a long time that we did something purely for ourselves, even when we knew the odds of failing for those who start a business and blog. We truly had no idea what the hell we were doing. To also be quite honest with you, re-reading my original blog almost made me want to quite again and close this chapter indefinitely.
Where did that person go? I was so ultimately ready for change that I radically spoke about the passions and throws of life, and carelessly poured any and every thought onto a webpage for whoever wanted to read it. It’s hard being honest with yourself sometimes and understanding that life changes you in more ways than you’ll ever know. I realized that I missed the person I sometimes used to be. When we originally started this blog I was so enthusiastically excited to change and grow with a world full of people who felt the same way. The more we grew within our business the more I began to lose sight of what my voice even meant to me anymore and what I wanted this blog to be portrayed as. But life gives you a kick in the ass when you need it and that’s what this anniversary did for me.
In my original blog I spoke so deeply about wanting to manifest a new life, but I had no idea what that actually meant. This anniversary marks such a special chapter in my life. One in realizing that all of those things that I so deeply desired, I have actually achieved. I have spent so much time in my life wondering and worrying where I was going to end up, that I never woke up to the fact that I actually got here. Never truly celebrating myself for how much I have grown.
Why is this one of the hardest concepts to grasp? Does anyone else feel this way? That we curiously stumbled into our early twenties not really knowing anything but then consistently beating ourselves up through our mid-twenties wondering why we don’t have it all figured out yet?
Well, I’m ready to call bullshit on the whole system, myself, and you. I wanted to inspire change in everyone around me and I realize now more than ever what that means to me. In life I simply want to learn to fall hopelessly in love with myself and my journey Every. Single. Day. Not constantly worried about my failures from yesterday or the anxiety of what tomorrow might bring. I’m ready to start this new beginning of my life celebrating the fact that I worked out today, I showed up intentionally to my book club, I told my friends I loved them, I was a better roommate or the fact that I am a good dog mom. Im ready for this blog to feel like me again that genuinely expresses myself through the trials and tribulations of my daily life. Because I’m not 22 years old anymore and there is something beautiful about that. As someone who has finally figured out my career path, picked my business off the floor, moved across the country, and makes mistake everyday, I want to be honest in connecting with others that live on the same wavelength as me again. For a long time I felt like I let myself down due to the fact that I was failing at running this blog, but I hope this can be a testament for anyone that it doesn’t matter how hard you fall but it matters how you get back up. So here we go again, fearlessly and so ready to walk in my next New Beginning with all of you. This time just a little bit wiser, a little bit more understanding, a ton more empathetic and ready more than ever to build a stronger connection to this beautiful world and all the unique that accompany it. With this new beginning comes a new introduction, and I have never been more enthusiastic to meet all of you again.
So, Hi there Dear Friends, my name is Rayna Archuleta, this is our Twenty-Somethings blog, and this is my New Beginning. For two years we have created art, traveled the world, grown as human beings and connected with some of the most genuine people I have ever met. Creating something out of nothing with my best friend, that makes me proud every waking moment. Our lives have changed in so many ways and I cannot wait to start sharing all of the highs and lows of what it means to be a Twenty-Something in a huge new city trying to accomplish it all. Our business has grown to incredible new heights, as we are finally running our own Wedding photography business. We have met the most amazing couples along this journey, and it makes me want to jump with joy because I cant wait to share their special days with all of you. Another huge change is the fact that we have relocated to Chicago, and there have been so many wonderful adventures that come with the windy city. Another huge change around here is I have adopted the cutest and most loving soul, who has healed me in more way then she’ll ever know. I look forward to sharing her with all of you!!
I want this blog and my words to inspire you to try something different, think more intentionally about your day, manifest your wildest dreams, and to think beyond the daily doubts we often find ourselves stuck within. If I could go back in time, and meet the 22-year-old version of myself I know for a fact she would be so absolutely proud of me, and if I can continue to inspire change within myself where will I be in two or twenty years? Everyday we have the beautiful opportunity to choose the life that is so destined for ourselves and the ability to create the change we want, whenever we want it. Be a visionary, own up to your mistakes, love yourself unapologetically, call your family and tell them how much they mean to you, decide to be a better person. Choose every moment purposefully because whether or not we want to admit it, it MATTERS! Do something that scares you today (and send me a picture lol) and never be too afraid to make a mistake because you will never know where it might take you.
This two year ReBrand could have not come at a more pivotal point in my journey, and I’m ready to share it with all of you. This digital diary of my life has been the most special thing I have ever created and I’m so glad I get to share it with all of you. I absolutely cannot wait to see you on our next blog, and Happy 2 years to all of you who are still here rocking with us. We truly could not do this without you. This will forever be special, and you will forever be special. Hey Siri, play Twenty-Somethings by Sza.
Cheers to our Twenty-Somethings,
Rayna Archuleta
PS. A very special thank you to my business partner and best friend. This brand and business is a testament of our journey and my favorite part is watching you grow. Your photography, skill, endurance, patience, and kindness truly blows me away and you make me a better person everyday. Thanks for being the creative yin to my yang and I could not have done this without you. Your support as I start and finish my chapters while providing me the wisdom I need, is truly astonishing. I cant wait to see where you and I go and were only getting started. Love you forever kid.

If you’d like to also reminisce on the blog that started it all! Click Here!